
Hello and welcome to my blog, my name is Dan Smith I am the owner of Adept Electrical S.L. on the Costa Blanca. If you have a property in Spain and have questions regarding your electrical installation you may find the answer on this site, if not just ask and I will try my best to answer, thanks and I hope you enjoy reading my posts.

Tuesday, 24 July 2012

What is an electrical bulletin ‘boletín’ and do I need one?.

 As you may notice on my adverts I offer the service of issuing an electrical Boletín, I often get phone calls asking for a boletín however many people are unsure as to what it actually is. More often these days when people contact Iberdrola they are being told to obtain a boletín, but are unsure as to why, in this article I will try and explain

The official description of a boletín is: It is the low-voltage “Electrical Installation Certificate”, an official document issued by an authorised electrician certifying that the electrical system meets the requirements established for the contracted power supply. It shows the main characteristics of your electrics, such as the installed power and the maximum admissible power, and also guarantees the quality of the electrical system.

When should it be obtained?
Whenever required by the distribution company, which has a register with all the certificates for installations connected to its grid. For example, when the requested power exceeds the allowed power or the electrical system is more than 20 years old. The distribution company may require that the customer adapts to the current legislation by submitting a new Certificate (boletin).

How can an electrical installation certificate be obtained?
This can be done by contacting an authorised electrician; an authorised electrician here in Spain holds a ‘Carné de instalador’ (installer license). The installer must be registered with the ‘Ministry of Industria’ in order to obtain the required certificate. It is possible to check the validity of your installer online by visiting the web address link and by pressing the button ‘Seleccionar Municipio’ and simply type in your town name (Busot) and select from the list. Then at the bottom of the page press the button ‘Buscar’ the results will show all of the registered installers in that town, and their qualifications.

The electrical systems in our homes are essential, we rely on them operating correctly everyday and a boletin will confirm that yours is safe and functioning properly 

Electricity is an essential part of modern day life and ensuring it is installed safely, is part of my job.

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